Saturday, July 24, 2010

this is a tabla. it gives yout the best beat ever and it easy to play to any song.the image on the previous post had some problem. so sorry. anyway the tabla originated from india, quite obvious.there are many origins of the drum:many are legends, other myths, all i know that it originated from india and it is one of the most famous instrument and the one of the oldest. the left hand drum is called a bayan while the right hand drum is called a dayan. this is instrument also came from anotehr type of drum which is bigger but has the same shape:Pakhawaj. it looks like this

the tabla can be occompanied by many different instruments. its really cool to the learn more about this drum. the left side of the drum is made of brass/nickel/chrome. and the left side is made up of wood. the top part is made up of goat skin
this is all i have to say about the tabla. see the next few post for the accompaniments.
see ya. hope you will enjoy the beats. lets rock and roll in a traditional way to the sound of the tabla

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